Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Countdown - Only 3 Weeks Away!

So, is it just me or did November really sneak up on us this year?

Oh, who am I kidding.  It sneaks up on me every year.  ESPECIALLY since I had kids.  

Anyway, it's officially the holiday season.  Things are getting pretty hectic, if they haven't already.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to cross something off your to-do list?  

I'm going to make it worth your while to be proactive.

The first 10 people to order a Thanksgiving dessert from me will get FREE DELIVERY.  If you live in Eastern (as in, the 495 area to the shore) MA or Northern RI, I will bring it to you, at no extra charge.  Just imagine, dessert is done - and you didn't even have to brave the traffic!

Here's the thing: I will only be taking 15 Thanksgiving orders, and the deadline for ordering is November 16.  So I consider it a win-win for you and for me to have things planned as far in advance as possible.  

You are always welcome to come pick up your order at my house, if you'd rather.  But I know how hard it can be to run errands at this time of year, and I want to encourage you to give me a try!  I make everything from scratch.  And please, when you place your order, let me know of any allergies you or your guests have.

Here are your delectable options:

Perfect Pecan Pie* - $18
Everything a pecan pie should be.  Sticky, sweet, toasty, nutty goodness.  I don't usually arrange pecan halves decoratively on the top - I think it makes it harder to slice and eat - but if you'd prefer that, just let me know.

Apple Crumb Pie* - $18
Creamy, spiced apple filling, topped with sweet buttery streusel.  You know comfort food?  Well, this is comfort pie.

Spiced Pumpkin Pie - $16
This is traditional pumpkin pie, with extra spices to give it a subtle kick.  People who aren't crazy about pumpkin pie have told me that this one changed their minds.

Apple Upside Down Cake* - $12
Slightly sweet vanilla cake, smothered in beautiful caramelized apple slices.  For the Team Cake people in your life.

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies - $16/dozen
Tangy-sweet cream cheese frosting sandwiched between little pumpkin cakes.  Shake up your old Thanksgiving dessert lineup with these beauties.

Chewy Brown Sugar Cookies - $15/dozen
I find myself making these for my own consumption a little too often.  They are made with dark brown sugar, melt in your mouth, and taste like a wonderful combination of molasses, toffee and caramel.  YUM. 

* - Contains nuts!  Other than the pecan pie (obviously), these can easily be made without nuts if you prefer.  

As always, please contact me at with any questions or orders. 


1 comment:

  1. I wish I lived near you, I would totally order the first 10 desserts myself!!!
